What is


An important part of keeping the running of NBC simple is through the use of Elvanto – our online church management system.

We use it to automate some of the tasks and activities that paid staff would normally have to do. This way we put these resources to better use in our church, community and mission.

Elvanto is also a handy resource for centralised information and communication.

    • Church Calendar

    • Announcements

    • Online forms

    • Member Directory

    • Volunteer Roster

    • Training updates

    • Song library


Its super easy to Register.

Click on the link, fill out the form, done.

Registering gives you access to further resources and info about NBC.

Who is in this Category?

It’s for anyone who is ‘checking out’ NBC but are not ready to settle down yet. Its also for those Kids & Parents who are connected to YOUTH GROUP but do not attend NBC.

‘Regular Attendee’

Click the log in.

Update your profile, volunteer info, add your bluecard or first aid details, plus access lots of cool new things.

This is for those who liked NBC so much you decided to move in.

You’ll be added to the members directory and be able to access it (create a seperate account for every family member). Regular Attendees are eligible to become volunteers in the various ministries of NBC.

Ready to upgrade from Connected to Attendee? Contact the church office@narangbabaptist.org.au.

‘Church Partner’

Click the log in.

Get better parking spots, more comfortable seating, nicer coffee.

If you’ve made it to here then you have reached perfection – well done friend, you have arrived.

More Elvanto stuff…

You can only be in one of these categories at a time. Everyone begins in the connected category and can then progress through the other two.

Most people are active however some will be marked as a contact or archived.

Contacts are those who are not actively involved in NBC but want their details in our system. e.g Parents of kids in Yth Grp or Church people who move away for a while.

Those who move on permanently can be archived or deleted.

Demographics are things like age group, gender, marital status, allergies, etc. Choosing the right demographics help the system to automate tasks. Elvanto also stores info on bluecards, safety training, and even first aid courses that you have completed.

All volunteers are organised under our four Departments.

  1. Leadership & Missions
  2. Youth & Children
  3. Service Teams
  4. Ministry Groups & Events

Departments contain various sub-groups with specific roles for each group e.g. The Yth & Children Department has the subgroups Yth Group, and Kids Church.

There are a variety of groups to be a part of. People who regularly attend NBC will most likely be part of several groups at once e.g. You might be included in a ministry group such as Soul Sisters, attend a Small Group, and sing in the worship team. You would be a member of three groups. Being organised into groups helps leaders to communicate with their teams and advertise upcoming events.